Notices and Noticeboard
We reserve the notices at each rehearsal only for the most important or urgent things – otherwise they would take up the whole break. The vast majority of notices and advertisements for other opportunities will be communicated by email in ‘Choir News’.
Should you wish to promote other relevant events, you are free to do so by leaving information/flyers on the table at the entrance to the rehearsal venue. You do not need to ask permission unless the dates of the conflict with GCS events. Promoted events should be consistent with the aims and activities of the society.
We do our best to keep the website up to date with news, events and useful information. If you’d like something added, please email, however, notices of non-GCS activities and events should be directed to the newsletter editor for inclusion in Choir News.
Newsletter and Email
Each summer we publish a members’ newsletter, which we send by email to as many members as possible, to keep GCS’s costs down. We also use email for other notices throughout the year. Some people have trouble receiving these, so if you’re expecting something, please check any spam or junk folder you have in case your email software has put it in there. If you still don’t receive emails, please let Rob Riley (bass1) know – email
If you don’t have email
We recognise that some people don’t have internet access, so we never publicise something solely by email. We print named copies for the few people without email and put them on the table at rehearsals, so if you fall into this category please get into the habit of looking each week.
Contacting the Committee
General enquiries:
Change of address:
Membership Secretary: Sophy Darlow (soprano)
175 Club: Mike Hurst (tenor)
Patrons and Friends Officer: Anthea Holland (alto)
Young Singers Scheme: – not currently running
Marketing Manager: Gerard Walshe (bass)
Chairman: Andrew Moodie (tenor)
Vice-Chairman: Rob Riley (bass)
Musical Director: Adrian Partington
Choir News Editor:
Emergencies: How we contact you
If a rehearsal has to be cancelled at short notice (eg because of bad weather) we will do everything we can to let you know. In such cases, we aim to phone or email everyone individually, but unfortunately we are unlikely to be able to put an announcement on the website. This means it is essential that we hold the correct contact details for you.
We keep a careful eye on the weather forecast and try to make an early decision, but this isn’t always possible. And as our members come from a wide area, some may experience bad weather while others don’t, so don’t be surprised if a rehearsal is cancelled when you personally can get out easily. A rehearsal with only half the members present is impractical; it skews the balance of the choir, and all the work has to be repeated for those who couldn’t attend.
So if your contact details change, please update your information on Muzodo and contact the membership secretary.
Social Media etc.
We’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and now Threads. Please like and/or follow us on these platforms, interact with and share our content. It can and does have a significant impact on awareness and ticket sales.
You can also see some of our previous performances on YouTube:
- Walton: Coronation Te Deum
- Bruckner: Locus iste
- Bruckner: Os juste
- Henry Bishop: Home sweet home
- Lily Boulanger: Psalm 24
- Samuel Barber: Mutations from Bach
- Handel: Hallelujah chorus
- Andrew Carter: Two for the price of one
- Played by Ashley Grote at the same concert – JS Bach: Tocata and fugue in D minor
- Played by Eluned Pierce at the same concert – Alphonse Hasselmanns: La Source
Expense Claims
If you need to claim expenses from GCS you can download the claims form here.