Concert Information & Responsibilities

Eligibility to Sing in Concerts

  • Singers should ensure that they have attended the requisite number of rehearsals or passed a Concert Specific Audition (CSA) in order to perform in concerts.
  • If a singer is unable to attend the final rehearsal on the day of the concert he/she will not be able to perform.


  • Please be punctual for the rehearsal on the afternoon of concert days – latecomers may not be eligible to sing in the concert.


  • Normally, concert dress is a dinner suit or a black, long-sleeved top with modest neckline and either an ankle-length black skirt or long black trousers. Any jewellery must be discreet and not reflect the light. You may take a small, black handbag on stage.
  • We use our red choir folders for all concerts except for Carols for All. Singers will be notified if there are any exceptions to the normal dress code.
  • For the sake of those with allergies, we ask that singers refrain from using perfumes or strong aftershave, hairspray, etc.


  • Singers need to be aware that security is, sadly, an issue in the cathedral; singers must either keep valuables with them or, preferably, leave them at home.

Processing on Stage

  • Normally, we line up, in performance order, in the north and south transepts of Gloucester Cathedral prior to processing on stage; the timing is notified for each concert.
  • Processing on stage, we carry our folders in our right hands, by our sides, spine up.

On Stage

  • No water bottles on stage.
  • We remain standing until the last singers have arrived at their seats and, taking our cue from the concert manager, we all sit down together.
  • NO talking is permissible on stage.
  • We stand together when the Conductor appears from behind the pulpit.
  • At the end of the performance, we all sit down when the orchestra sits.
  • After the concert, we only applaud when we are sitting down for fear of applauding ourselves!