Sing Saturday: Messiah

£12| Students & U25s FREE
including music hire
You can still turn up and pay on the day
8th June 2024
9.30am – 12.15pm
Gloucester Cathedral
Discover or re-ignite a passion for choral singing with Handel’s Messiah in Gloucester Cathedral. Singing this much-loved choral masterpiece, you’ll learn from our distinguished musical director, Adrian Partington, while getting a taster for singing with Gloucester Choral Society.
Apart from being a truly uplifting sing, Handel’s Messiah is perhaps the piece for any singer to get their heads around. Sung in choirs across the land, there’s so much to love and look forward to when singing Messiah. And if you’ve never sung it before – don’t worry, many of us hadn’t before we joined GCS – then you’ll soon see why All we like sheep, His Yolk is easy and of course, the Hallelujah are such enjoyable and memorable choruses from the work.
We perform Messiah on a fairly regular basis (usually in December). This year we thought you might want the opportunity to join in with all those fun choruses. Then, should you rather like the thought of performing it with us, come and join us for the 2024-25 season. After all, you’ll already be able to sing at least a quarter of the season programme. Good, eh?
Schedule for the morning
There will be a short comfort break during the morning at a convenient time.