We are delighted to announce that Edward Gardner OBE has joined our list of honorary Vice-Presidents. It is so fitting that such an accomplished musician, who began his distinguished as a chorister in the Gloucester Cathedral choir should agree to become a V-P… perhaps he might take one of our rehearsals?!

Also joining the list is Dominic Lewen, the Secretary to our Board of Trustees. He is an active singer with us and has done some fantastic work updating our constitution (twice) and organising our two major choral festivals, “RVW in Spring” in 2008 and “Parry & His Pupils” in 2018. Congratulations!

How to Book

To book online, simply click on the "Book Your Tickets" button. You will be taken to the site of our ticketing partner, The Three Choirs Festival, where you can safely and securely book for your chosen performance.

If you wish to book by other means, please see our Booking Tickets section for full details.